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Image by Jason Hogan

Our guide is the mighty invisible hand

The invisible hand, a concept coined by the father of modern economics, Adam Smith, is a powerful force guiding the free market. It represents the collective actions of individuals pursuing their own self-interest, which, miraculously, leads to the betterment of society as a whole.

In essence, relying on the mighty invisible hand of Adam Smith is about embracing the power of individuals and markets to create wealth, foster innovation, and promote freedom. It is a cornerstone of libertarian philosophy and a guiding principle for building a prosperous and vibrant society.

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The sanctity of personal freedom 

Libertarians uphold the principle of individual sovereignty as sacrosanct. We believe that every person has the inherent right to govern their own lives, make their own choices, and pursue their own happiness without interference from external authorities. 

In the face of growing authoritarianism masquerading as liberalism, libertarians stand as beacons of resistance, steadfastly defending the sacred principle of personal freedom. We reject the authoritarian impulse to control, coerce, and dominate, and instead champion the empowering vision of a society where individuals are free to live their lives on their own terms.

The role of government

Limited government promotes personal responsibility and accountability. When individuals are empowered to make their own choices and bear the consequences of their actions, a culture of self-reliance and resilience emerges. In contrast, socialist and modern liberal ideologies foster a culture of dependency, where individuals look to the government to solve all their problems, eroding the very fabric of personal initiative and responsibility.

By restraining government overreach, individuals are granted the freedom to pursue their dreams and aspirations without burdensome interference. Socialist and modern liberal agendas, on the other hand, often seek to centralize power in the hands of the state, robbing individuals of their autonomy and stifling innovation and initiative.

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